Kajaria Art Foundation was an idea that stemmed from adding to the ever expanding eco-system of the Indian Art world and the potential it holds to further contemporary practices. I have been deeply invested in supporting artists, as a collector and by opening up Exhibit 320 back in 2010. KAF becomes another infrastructure for the arts in South Asia. I sensed, for example, that there was a gap and a potential therefore for artists to be able to advance their work in new directions. So one of the programs being developed at KAF is the KAF Residency program. Located away from the city, and in a quiet, serene part of the mountains, the KAF Residency program allows for space and time, to completely focus on ones practice, but also in connection with other artists, a writer and a curator. Such time and space to only develop work is rare and I’m happy to be able to foster this engagement.
As we grow, there are other such programs and opportunities being developed. The idea is to provide and develop in tandem with other arts and cultural organizations, the support system for young and mid career artists to grow their practice. We hope to produce exchange programs, exhibitions, and also discourses through publications and talks in the near future. All of this is in keeping with the vision I have had from when I started collecting, to the time I’ve worked whole-heartedly with my gallery programming – which is to be a leading voice and institution within the Indian and International art world eco system, helping in building cultural capital in South Asia and the larger world stage.
Rasika Kajaria
Director, Kajaria Arts Foundation